Mzala Print and Signs is a printing, signage and rope access company.
We service clients in South Africa and are committed to deliveringquality service
efficiently and timeously. Our customer focusapproach allows us to offer our clients tailor made solutions at anaffordable cost.

Mzala Print and Signs is a printing, signage and rope access company.
We service clients in South Africa and are committed to delivering quality service
efficiently and timeously. Our customer focus approach allows us to offer our clients tailor made solutions at an affordable cost.



To produce a service that serves second to none.

To produce a service that serves second to none.


To be the leading supplier of printing and signage services.
To constantly innovate and improve our service offerings.
To service our customers with pride by producing quality work.
To continuously look for ways to reduce customer costs and strive to build long term relationships with our clients at every level. Our aim is to deliver excellent

To be the leading supplier of printing and signage services.
To constantly innovate and improve our service offerings.
To service our customers with pride by producing quality work.
To continuously look for ways to reduce customer costs and strive to build long term relationships with our clients at every level. Our aim is to deliver excellent



  • 2002
    탄소섬유 발열사 개발 착수
  • 2005
    탄소섬유 발열사 고효율 산업용 개발 성공
  • 2009
    200℃ 이상 고열 시험 성공
  • 2010
    시설하우스 난방제품 실험 성공


  • 2014
    건축자재 바닥 난방재 발열섬유보드 개발 성공
  • 2015
    특허 3건 출원
  • 2016
    탄소섬유보드 제조 공정 특허 출원 완료
  • 2017
    섬유보드 제조 공정과정 특허등록
  • 2018
    ISO 9001.14001획득


  • 2019
    동방카본에너지 상호명 변경
  • 2019
    한국과학기술연구원( KIST) 산하 SFS융합연구단 스마트팜에 근권부 방사열 기술 채택